A Dachshund's Life in Los Angeles

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Lola update

Yesterday Cara had to take Lola back to the vet in the afternoon. Lola wasn't feeling good, she was messing from both ends. The vet checked her out and gave her some meds, along with some pain medication. He said that is was just all the stress of the operation and a new home.

This morning Lola was back to her old self again, believe me! That girl thinks she owns me, but she better think again. Mom gave both of us a brand new bone this morning and Lola insisted that SHE have both of the bones. I'm not one to fight, so I let her have mine. Mom would see this and take mine away from her. Not two minutes later Lola would be growling at me to take mine away.

I think I'm going to have to send Lola to manners school or something, she can't have EVERYTHING. But for now I'll let her, she's my new sister and I love her. I'm just glad she is feeling better.

Oh, and Lola's tummy is looking so much better too. Mom gets after her cause she wants to scratch it and mom has to tell her NO. At least Lola knows the word and stops.

I've got to go, Lola wants to play chase now.

Hope you all have a great weekend.



  • At 1:09 PM, Blogger Mindi said…

    I'm glad Lola is feeling better. It bet is sure is hard when one of the other kids is sick and mom's worried. I've never had that happen, I'm usually the one who's sick, but I know mom worries about me and cuddles me and the other kids get kind of jealous. I'm glad she's feeling better and wants to play. Too bad about the one though - you'll have to hide it where she can't find it. Or else hide it in a really stinky place like mom's shoe or something so Lola won't want it. That's the ticket!


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