A Dachshund's Life in Los Angeles

Friday, April 07, 2006

I'm in BIG trouble........

I have to hurry and post this so I don't get caught....I'm in BIG trouble.

Yeap, I got attitude today because Cara didn't take me to work with her this morning, so I ate the carpet and tore open my brand new bag of dog food.

Not sure what mom is going to say or do when she gets home. I know Cara snitched on me when she came home at lunch. I'll just have to practice my "cute sad face" for when mom gets home....she always falls for that. She tries to be upset with me, but she's just a big marshmallow.

I hear our computer is coming home tonight, hooray. Maybe I'll still have computer privileges over the weekend. Of course I will silly, I'm "Wally", the cute pup.

Everyone have a nice weekend.



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