A Dachshund's Life in Los Angeles

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

I'm always glad when it's Wednesday, as then the weekend it close by. I love weekends, I don't have to go to work, I can just kick back.

Mom got the camera working thanks to her friend Beth. She helps mom a lot, and she made our blog buttons too. Isn't she a good lady. And Lola thinks Elvis is a "hunk" whatever that is. You know those silly girls.

Mom got Lola a party dress, don't ask me, you know my mom. She loves to make us look our best. So here are a few pictures of Lola in her dress.

So what do you think of Lola's dress? She's a babe huh. Now if she could only quit barking and growling at me. She tries to boss me around all the time. Girls!

And of course I have to include a couple pictures of me too. I think I'm a pretty cool looking dude.

Brother is still at preschool, but he'll be home in about an hour. He is letting Lola run all over him. If he growls, mom tells him "no". I'm telling you, that girl thinks she owns us and the house.

I'm going to go outside now while it's still hot out. I love to run in and out of the house with Lola. She thinks she's fast, but I'm f-a-s-t-e-r and she'll never catch me!

Oh, Lola's tummy is just fine. It looks really good and it doesn't hurt her anymore. Mom is glad that spaying is all over with - it's always so hard on mom.

Have a great evening.



  • At 6:42 PM, Blogger Beth said…

    Hi Wally,
    I showed Elvis the great photos on your blog. He thinks Lola is cute but wonders why she lets your mom put clothes on her when it's not even Halloween. El's sister Pearl is really pushy too - that's just the way sisters are.

  • At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    god wally ur such a sexy dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 9:26 AM, Blogger Mindi said…

    Heeeeeey Lola! Too bad you don't live closer, I'd love to get to know you better... Wally, get used to the bossiness of those girls. That's just the way they are I guess. Life is pretty good here in Nebraska, so I can't complain!


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